Let the Little Children Come to Me (July 30, 2006) Luke 18:15-17
Let the Little Children Come to Me
Luke 18:15-17
This week IBC Bremen will begin a new work with children. We are going to have a “Very Exciting Bible School.” What is that, you might say? A Very Exciting Bible School is just that. It is very exciting. It is a week-long Bible school for children.
Starting tomorrow at 2pm, we will begin a journey. We will journey through the Ten Commandments of God's Word. We will travel through time to different places and discover who God is.
On Monday, the children will take a trip to a Mayan jungle. Once there, they will learn that there is only one God.
On Tuesday, the children will take a trip to an ancient laboratory. In the laboratory, they will learn how to honor and obey their parents as God would like.
On Wednesday, the children will then take a trip to Hawk's Village. In the village, they will learn that God want them to treat others with kindness.
Finally, on Thursday, the children will take a trip to a Hawaiian volcano. Near the volcano, they will learn to not worry and that God wants them to be happy with what He has given them.
Four places in four different time periods in four days. But that's not all. Each day, they will learn a story from the Bible. Each day, they will learn a key Bible verse. Each day, they will play fun games, sing wonderful songs, and learn and build beautiful crafts. And of course, there will be great snacks and drinks.
The children will be actively involved and will learn more about God in an exciting way.
So we are asking you to “let the little children come.”
So we want you to ask any child you know from 4-11 years old. We are asking you to “let the little children come” and hear about Jesus.
Why are we doing this? Because Jesus set the example and He told us to “let the little children come.” Now, this is a little different from Sunday School and definitely different from the worship service you are now in. It is a time especially made for children.
But it is not just for children. Children, you can invite your friends. Parents, you can come too. As a matter of fact, we want to come if you can. There will be a group of workers who will help out. You saw them earlier in the service. But parents, I am asking you to come as well. If you have some time over the next four days, come and join us.
The Very Exciting Bible School will be in German and English. But it doesn't matter if you don't want to teach. We can use you in many ways. Men, you can help in leading the games. There will be times when we need to run errands. Perhaps we may need help in preparing the snacks. Ladies, you can help in the crafts if you would like. We have a group of dedicated workers, but we could use more.
Now, where is this going to take place? It will take place downstairs in this building. We will begin each day with a registration, then a time of worship. Following that, there will be all these activities. We will end sometime around 5:30pm.
Luke 18:16
Jesus thought it was very important for the “little children to come.” We do as well. We see in this passage, that the disciples didn't want the babies and the young children to come and touch Jesus. Jesus stopped them and said that the “little children should come.” We should not forbid children to come. Some parents do that. They say, “Well, I don't want my child to come and learn about Jesus. But we should not put ourselves and our desires as stumbling blocks over the children's desire to come and learn about God.
Luke 18:17
Jesus makes children the model for those who seek to come to Him. He makes the child the model for the adults. He does not make the adult the model for the children to come to Him. Jesus recognizes that the way a child comes to Him is the way we should all come to Him.
As a result, this Very Exciting Bible School is not just for children. It is for everyone who want to come to Jesus like a little child. The children will go back home and they will tell their parents about the fun they had this week. Perhaps a parent will say: “I want to know what is going on over at IBC Bremen.” In looking for us, they will learn about Jesus.
This Very Exciting Bible School is not just something that “little children will come”. This is an opportunity for everyone. So come on out and take this trip with us. Perhaps you haven't planned your vacation trip yet. Perhaps you need a place to visit. Come visit God this week as we travel in time to learn about Him and His love.