Thursday, February 23, 2006

Responsible Love with Others Part 1 - Love That Keeps Yourself in Control (February 19, 2006) Romans 13:8-14

Love that Keeps Yourself in Control
Responsible Love with Others – Part 1
Romans 13:8-14

We want to look at how God teaches us as Christians to love. I want to call this love “responsible love.” You can love someone responsibly or irresponsibly. The Bible teaches us to be responsible in our love to one another.

How do I know this?

The reason that I know that the Bible teaches us to be responsible in our love to another is this. The Bible teaches Christians that the primary goal in life is to love God and love one another. Paul says that love is the only debt that we should owe others. He also goes to show in Romans 13:9 that the Old Testament can be summed up in our goal to love.

Paul narrows some of the Ten Commandments – the commandments dealing with others around you to a summary statement. This statement: “Love your neighbor as yourself” comes from Leviticus 19:18.

If our primary goal in life is to love God and love one another, then there must be a proper way to love God and a proper way to love one another. These verses in Romans 13 sow us the proper way to love others.

The verse may say “love your neighbor.” Your neighbor is not just the person next door. Your neighbor is defined as everyone else but yourself.

The Bible teaches us that we should be responsible in our love toward others. The Bible also describes how we should be responsible in our love to other people. The way we love others should be responsible. The way to be responsible in our love to everyone else is defined in Romans 13:10. The Bible says that love should be a love that does no harm to others. This means that there is a wrong way to love and a right way to love others. When how I act hurts others, then I am not loving responsibly. In essence, the Bible says that I am not really loving someone. But when I am responsible with my love, when I do no harm to others in how I love others, then it is the right way to love.

Now, the right way to love, is to love responsibly. When I love in a responsible way, I am saying that I will love without doing harm.

Just as a doctor heals you by not doing harm, you love others best when you love by doing now harm to others. Now just as a doctor has ways and methods that he uses to heal you and not to harm you, you and I can love other without doing them harm. How can I love someone responsibly? How can I love someone without doing them harm? The way you do that best is by restraining your own behavior.

When I express my love to someone else, and I do it responsibly, and I do it without causing them harm, then my love stays in control. My love stays in control and it works best in others when I restrain my own behavior. I love others responsibly best when I keep my behavior from getting out of control.


Christians are called by the Bible to walk properly. The emphasis in our walk is to be in the day as opposed in the night. The use of the word day is used in the New Testament to describe good character. We walk in public in a way that others can see. We walk in public in a way that others will want to follow.

How should a Christian walk? A Christian should follow Jesus like a horse follows its rider. If you have ever rode a horse, you know that you ride on top of the horse on a saddle. You control the horse through the use of reins and a bridle.

The bridle is the tool that keeps the horse under the rider's control. When the rider lets the bridle loose, the horse can run faster and the horse has more freedom to move. When the rider tightens the bridle, the rider controls the movements of the horse. The horse learns to follow the instructions of the rider by learning to control his movements.

The bridle restrains the movements of the horse. The bridle prevents the horse from getting out of control. The bridle is controlled by the rider through a pair of bridle reins. The rider holds the set of reins, which are straps of leather tied to the bridle. When the rider has control of the reins, the horse learns to control his own movements. The bridle along with the reins teach the horse how to keep itself in control.

Self control, a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22), is a restraint that we place on ourselves to stop ourselves from getting out of control. We stop ourselves from getting out of control by restraining ourselves. We are the rider, and how we act is the horse.

The rider is me when I am under the control of the Holy Spirit. The horse is the way I act. When I want to follow Jesus, who teaches me how to live, I have to follow His instructions. He has appetites He wants us to learn to control. There is the mental, physical, and verbal appetites. Now my behavior loves these appetites and wants to indulge in these appetites to the point where it gets me out of control,. Each appetite requires a pair of restraints. Just as a rider holds two reins that are wrapped around the bridle of the horse, God shows us places where He wants us to place restraint on ourselves (in particular, the way we act). He shows us three pairs of reins that He wants us to learn how to have self-control.

Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy.
Romans 13:13 (NKJV)

There are two fundamental reasons why I should restrain my own behavior.

Reason to restrain #1 – I restrain my own behavior because “the time” is coming when Jesus will return. You the signs of Jesus' return in the news. You see it in the increasing number of evil events happening in today's world. You see it in the persecution that Christians receive in today's world.

Because the people in this world are acting more and more in a irresponsible way, because they do other harm more often, we as Christians need to be responsible in our love with others. We don't have to act like the world. We can be responsible with our love by not harming others around us. We don't have to let our lives get out of control when we learn to restrain some of our behavior.

We see so much unrestrained evil in the world (what I would call irresponsibility and foolishness). This should cause as Christians to restrain our own behavior.

Reason to restrain #2 – The very fact that this world is full of unrestrained evil shows me reason enough that I should restrain my own behavior. You may ask yourself: So what? Why should I restrain myself when everyone else seems to have such a great time?

The night is coming to an end. The day is coming. This unrestrained evil will get worse and then the end of the world will come with judgment. For those who act irresponsibly, there will be a judgment.

Have you ever noticed that more foolishness and irresponsibility happens at night? More car wrecks, more accidents, more parties that lead to unrestrained behavior, more riots. All of these things happen, and they happen more often at night. Living in the night represents living in an unrestrained lifestyle.

The world may live in the night, but we as Christians should not. We have to learn to be daylight for those who live in the night. As Christians, we have to stop acting irresponsible, and in a way that harms others. We should not be creatures of the night. We should be live in a way that others can see what we do. We should live and love so that others will want to see Jesus and follow Him.

There is a proper way to behave as Christians. There is a right way and a responsible way to love others as Christians. We see examples of this in Romans 13:13.

We should NOT act irresponsibly. We should NOT do these things. We have basically three pairs of reins that we should use against ourselves. We have three pairs of reins that prevent us from harming others – others we are called to love.

Pair #1 – in social settings
Pair #2 – in sexual conduct
Pair #3 – in selfish desires

We have to cast off the irresponsible attitudes that we have toward others. In the next six weeks, we are going to take a look at each of these “reins.” We are going to learn how to restrain ourselves so that we can love others in a responsible way.

Ask yourself:

How do I act around other people I love in social settings?
How do I act with other people I love when we are in private?
How do I react to others I love?

If your answer to any of these questions implies that you could harm someone else, then you are loving others irresponsibly. Because we sometimes don't even realize that we love others this way, I want to challenge you to memorize a verse:

Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy.
Romans 13:13 (NKJV)

As we go through this series, I want you to memorize a verse that can help you love others in a responsible way.

What is the benefit to you and I when we love others with a responsible love? You will experience peace and freedom. You have the capacity for peace and freedom in your life because of what Jesus Christ did for you on the cross.

You will actually live a life full of freedom and peace when you start to love others with a responsible love.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Feasting on God in Prayer (February 12, 2006) Zechariah 7:1-5

Feasting on God in Prayer
Zechariah 7:1-5

"Say to all the people of the land, and to the priests: "When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months during those seventy years, did you really fast for Me--for Me?
(Zechariah 7:5 NKJV)


Heike and I have been at a few weddings in the last year. One wedding we went to was on my birthday. I like weddings here in Germany. There are some similarities, but the Germans do more on the wedding day. It really is a festival with the ceremony, and then coffee and cake, a couple of games for the guests and then a big huge meal. The meals is always well made. In essence a feast is prepared.

We went to this wedding and after the ceremonies, we went to a hall to have the coffee and cake. The program started and it was really good. Then half-way through the program these little children came into the room shouting: “Wo ist Jim, wo is Jim?” They were singing “Where is Jim?” - I thought to myself: “What kind of song is this?” Then I realized that they had a birthday cake prepared. I was so embarrassed. I told the bride and groom that it was their special day. They said that it was my birthday.

So they set the cake before me. But the kids were close, I couldn't really move. So I tried to blow out the candles, when “Poof” one of the girl's dresses caught on fire. So immediately someone came and stopped the fire on the poor girl's arm sleeve.

How embarrassing is that? You go to someone's wedding, and when the bride and groom try to do something for you, it turns it to a fire accident. The girl's dress goes up in flames and she had some slight burn on her arm for a week. But the food was good. The ceremony was nice. The wedding was great and unforgettable. This experience describes the idea of a feast very well. Laughter, good food, good friends, even surprises that are never dull. That is the meaning of a feast.

When someone has a feast, they literally stuff themselves full of good food. When you participate in a feast, you are taking time to ENJOY the time you have set aside for yourself. You enjoy a good meal, you enjoy good music, you enjoy good friends, and you basically enjoy a good time. It lifts you up and after the feast you are completely satisfied.

You have feasted. It is an enjoyable experience and your body shows it. Your body starts to digest more food. Your mouth starts to hum or whistle the good music you heard, and you reflect on your conversations and experiences during the feast.

Fasting is feasting on God in prayer.

The problem in Zechariah's time is that the people fasted for themselves. They cried, they mourned, they stopped eating because they were so focused on their own problems that they begged God to help them.

One one hand, they cried to God to help them in their distress. On the other hand, they pleaded with God out of fear. They feared His judgment. Why? Just as God said, they were not feasting on God. They were thinking about what they could get out of their prayer time.

Prayer times can often be this way. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. I need this, and I need that. So God, you owe me and I need your help. The focus of the prayer time is often on yourself.

God doesn't want you to fast like that.

Sometimes, we fast from food, or something that we crave for a couple of days because it makes us look good with other people. Someone asks you: “What are fasting from?” You tell them - "I am not going to eat chocolate." Of course that doesn't stop you from eating other sweets, and it isn't really a fast. You are just showing off. You are displaying your spirituality to the world.

But what about God? This is God's point.

Did you really fast for Me--for Me?

For whom did you fast? Was it for yourself, for your spiritual self-esteem? Did you do it for someone else? God says: Do it for Me.

Fasting needs to be feasting on God in prayer.

The question is one that Christians ask quite often. They ask themselves, just as the people in the time of Zechariah asked themselves:

Should I fast?

In reality, everyone fasts at least once a day. You have just fasted last night before you ate breakfast. This is the meaning of the word breakfast (to break the fast). You have slept all night and now to break your fast, you eat a small meal.

So the question is not "Should I fast?", but "When should I fast?"

The people were asking if they should continue to fast the same way they have been fasting for years. They had been fasting for 70 years, while they were in exile. They were fasting and weeping to remind themselves of the destruction of the Temple. They would take a time in the month and they would memorialize this event in the lives of Israel.

They took time in one month of the year to mourn and fast.
Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1).
Paul fasted for a short time while making a vow.
Daniel fasted from rich foods for 10 days (Daniel 1:12).
Esther and her friends fasted for 3 days and nights (Esther 4:16)

There are many different examples of fasting in the Bible. There is no one specific method. You can fast for a day or you can fast for a week. You can fast from rich foods or you can fast from food altogether.

Just like every tradition that happens for a long time period, the meaning got lost. While in the beginning, the people were mourning the loss of the Temple, now they were just mourning. While in the beginning, the people were fasting as a way to ask God to help them, now it became a ritual.

And ritual without reason is meaningless. This is the key to understanding how I should fast.

How should I fast?


1. Look to a challenging decision that needs to be made.

Fasting is not for every occasion. We are to pray for every occasion, but fasting is reserved for very important decisions. Fasting is way to prepare yourself spiritually for a challenging decision that needs to be made. Perhaps you want to move. Perhaps you want to start a family, or get married. When you see that you have to make a decision about a direction your life may take, you can fast. You need to fast for a purpose. When you do, you will receive more wisdom from God than when you regularly pray.

2. Desire to ask God for help in dealing with this decision.

Fasting is setting aside physical pleasures to seek God's pleasure about a matter. Therefore when you fast, you want to pray to God regularly during this time. You don't just stop doing something. You take the time you would use doing that something (for which you have fasted - or stopped), and you spend that time with God.

For example, suppose you say: I will fast from television for a week. This is a good way to fast. You are setting aside the physical pleasure to the mind and eyes of what is on the screen. What are you going to do during the times that you normally would watch television? You spend time in worship and prayer. Perhaps you read the Bible. Perhaps you spend time playing your guitar singing praises to God. Then you spend some time in prayer. The point is clear. You don't just stop doing something. You replace the time spent doing something else with time you give to God.

Now you can't say: I am going to fast from television, but I will spend that time playing tennis. You have to give that time to God. That is the whole point of the fast.

3. Set aside a time, place, and object of your fast.

Ask yourself "when" you want to fast. Decide how long the fast should take place. Then decide what you want to fast from. The fasting object should be something that really takes you away from God. The fast should be challenging. Fasting from chocolate is not enough. Fasting from all foods for a day would be challenging. Fasting from television for one hour is not enough. Fasting from TV for a week would be challenging. You can fast from the Internet for a week. The object of the fast can be anything that you really enjoy doing.

4. Fast from the object

When you have decided on the length of the fast, honor God by committing to your fast. God honors people who fast. God is a God who loves to keep commitments and He loves it when we keep our commitments to Him.

Some people say: I will make this vow or I will commit to this or that. Fasting does not have to be a public event. But you need to commit to the fast. Jesus warned against doing those things. He said, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.” Why did He say this? Because when you make a commitment, you need to stick to it. The same is true when you fast. Don't just say you will fast. Do it.

5. Feast on God

But when you fast, you are to replace what you desire physically with spiritual nourishment - feasting on God. You need to be praying to God and you need to be worshiping God. God will reveal to you what you should do about this decision. He will be pleased with you because you set aside a special time for Him, and that you decided what was very important to you would be given to God.

Fasting is not to be just a time of separation from something. Fasting is a time to get closer to God. Fasting is where worship and prayer meet. That is how you need to look at fasting. Fasting is not just starving yourself. God is not a God who wants to starve his children like some prisoners in a concentration camp. God wants you to learn some self-control so that you can focus on Him. When you focus on Him through fasting, God honors it. You get a feast in a relationship with God. This spiritual food is what Jesus talked about. He said:

"I have food that you know nothing about." He was saying I don't need spiritual food. He was saying that He has another food supply. God wants you to feast on this spiritual food supply. Enjoy your feast experience with Him.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Making the Impossible a Reality Part 4 - Getting to Know God on Your Trip of Faith (February 5, 2006) Genesis 15:1-6

Getting to Know God On Your Trip of Faith

Making the Impossible a Reality – Part 4

Genesis 15:1-16

Everyone here is on a trip of faith. Some are thinking about placing their faith for eternal life in Jesus Christ. Others have made the decision to follow Jesus. These two groups of people still make the same journey. Their journey is for eternity.

Yet, there is a big difference. Some will walk along a faith road and think they will go to heaven and meet God. But it is not the right road. It is the wrong road. Jesus called it the wide road. He said many people would go down this road. Even people who say they believe in God will go down this road. This is the wrong way, and you will get lost walking it.

But God knows this and so He is nearby. He keeps pointing the way to everyone. To those who don't believe in His son Jesus, He points to Jesus Christ His Son and says: He will lead you the right way. You need to follow Him.

To those who have chosen the right path, God lets the Holy Spirit give the directions. The Holy Spirit teaches us the right way. We need to be led by the Holy Spirit.

But in both cases, God designed our trip so that we would get the chance to know Him. Knowing God keeps you on track. So God will take many opportunities in your life for you to learn to trust Him, love Him, learn from Him, and follow Him along this road. We see such an example in the life of Abraham.

If God wants us to live by faith, and He expects this for those who follow Him, then God has given us examples to find out how to live by faith. This evening, I want us to look at God and what He is doing in the life of Abraham – someone God called a friend. We are going to look at specifically what God does in this instance in Abraham's life and see how we can get to know God on our journey of faith.

  1. God will try to get your attention

After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward."
(Genesis 15:1 NKJV)

In ancient times, God spoke to His people in visions and dreams.

      1. In sleep – dreams

God has and still does speak to His servants in dreams.

      1. When awake – visions

God speaks to you when you are awake. He spoke to His servants in the Old Testament in two distinct ways:

  1. In a bit of ecstasy. Isaiah 6 is a perfect example. John in the book of Revelation is another.

  2. In a representation. This means that God physically appears to you and speaks to you. Some would say today that this is a day dream. Some doctors would even say that people who experience this have a mental disease.

How does this happen today? My simple answer is that God puts thoughts in your mind. God will put things in your mind to tell you what He wants you to know. But when He does this, He never contradicts Himself. That means what you hear has to harmonize with the Bible. If the Bible prohibits something, God will never tell you to do it. If the Bible expects you to do something, then you will get a “sense” or “compulsion” to do it. This is the Holy Spirit telling you to do it.

Why am I talking about the methods that God uses to talk to you? Because many times, He will try to get your attention. He was trying to get Abraham's attention here. Abraham did not come to God in prayer. Instead, God came to Abraham. So it is mostly with us. We should be taking each and every matter to God in prayer. But many times, God has get our attention. He may do it through many ways and with different people.

  1. God will try to get your attention to tell you something important about Him.

God has just delivered Abram through a war. He has protected Abram and helped him receive a financial reward. The Lord speaks to Abram and confirms his faith. Abram learns something new about God. Abram experiences God in a new way.

Abram has many doubts in his mind. For example, he wonders when God says a promise: “I will give this land to your descendants”, Abram doubts it. Why?

Abram has bought this land that his people will inherit. But the region was very unstable. Just northeast of his piece of land, Abram's nephew has been captured in a war. So Abram had to get an army together and get his nephew back. So of course Abram is wondering: “Yeah, God – You say this is mine, but I don't see it staying mine very long.”

Besides that, Abram questions whether there will be children to inherit.

But Abram said, "Lord GOD, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?" Then Abram said, "Look, You have given me no offspring; indeed one born in my house is my heir!"

(Genesis 15:2-3 NKJV)

God answers and assures Abram that he will have a son.

And behold, the word of the LORD came to him, saying, "This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir." Then He brought him outside and said, "Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be." And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.

(Genesis 15:4-6 NKJV)

God says: “He look Abram, not only are you going to have a son, but let's go outside. See the stars – that is how many children you will have. All these children will come from you.”

God's purpose in Abram is bigger than Abram himself. God wasn't just giving Abram a child because Abram wanted a child. That is a good thing to ask. God was giving Abram a child because God had plans for this son...and for Abram's grandson, and great-grandson, and great-great-grandson...

God's purpose in Abram is bigger than Abram himself. God's purpose in your life is bigger than you.

What happened when God showed Abram all this?

Abram believed in God.

That is powerful. You know what that means? God is going to show you lots of stuff – sometimes good stuff and sometimes bad stuff to get your attention.

  1. God reveals some things to you for a reason.

Then He said to Abram: "Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions. Now as for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried at a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete."
(Genesis 15:13-16 NKJV)

What in the world is going on here? What is God saying here? God is comforting Abram.

When you look at what is happening with Abram, he is living a very stressful life and he has some serious questions about his life.

Does what I do make a difference?

Is all what I am doing worth it?

You see, God reveals to Abram that he will have a son – and then a family – and then a nation. God says that what Abram will do is very significant. God takes Him outside and shows his life's significance.

But Abram is still asking. God, you said something great, but how will I know that it will happen? Can you confirm your promise?

This is where the dream comes in. God has already spoken. But now, God confirms. God uses visions and dreams to confirm what He wants to do in our lives. In this case, Abram went to sleep and in a dream, God revealed the future. He showed something that would not affect Abram in his lifetime, but would happen to his family in a far future. In fact, this event would not happen for 400 years. God is talking about the nation of Israel being slaves in Egypt.

Now some facts:

Year 0 of the Promise - Genesis 12:3 – God gave the covenant to Abram

Year 30 of the Promise – Genesis 15:14-18 God confirms the covenant and gives Abram a prophecy

(Prophecy given to Abram – exodus from Egypt is given 400 years before)

Genesis 21:9, Galatians 4:29 – Ishmael mocks Isaac

Year 430 of the Promise – Exodus 12:41 – Israel leaves slavery from Egypt to Freedom

Galatians 3:17

This is why when Abram dreams, God tells him 400 years into the future. Why did God share with Abram all of this? Because God has a bigger purpose than just what Abram thought was important. Of course, God expects you to be obedient when God reveals some things to you. Abram was not obedient in this case. In the next chapter, he decides to fulfill this promise on his own terms. The result is Ishmael, the son who would persecute the son of promise.

But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now.

(Galatians 4:29 NKJV)

Abram missed his chance to be obedient. Let me give you a personal experience. From time to time, I dream dreams and I know that they are not normal. They are not normal because I do not dream about certain individuals. They just don't come up in my dreams. But one time last month, I had a dream about a friend – Brad Kistler. He is a soldier in the US Army and he is stationed now in southern Germany. He was sent to Germany last fall and so he sent me an email. We had known each other back when we worked together in Boy Scouts. Ten years later, he is in Germany and I thought maybe we could hook up and meet. Well, last month on three consecutive nights I had a dream about him. And I was thinking: What's up? Why am I dreaming about Brad? Well on the fourth day – he sent me an email saying that he and his wife had just had their first son, Anthony. The day Anthony was born was the day after the first dream. I know now that God wanted me to call Brad. I was disobedient and so I learned too late.

I will save a sermon on the theology of dreams and how God uses them for later. But I want you to notice that God will reveal some things to you for a reason. He wants to use you and you need to listen to Him. When He speaks to you through the Spirit, you need to obey Him.

  1. The more you get to know God, the more He shows you.

Now the last thing I want you to notice is this important truth: The more you get to know God, the more He shows you. This was the case with Abram. This will be the case with you. God is always revealing His will to His servants.

Surely the Lord GOD does nothing,

Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

(Amos 3:7 NKJV)

But God reserves the right to reveal things to people who get to know Him. God is not going to say much to people who don't pay attention to Him. The flip-side to this is that if we want to know more about our lives, we have to get to know God. The more we want to see God use us in our lives, the more we need to get to know Him. This means a couple of skills have to be developed in our lives. You have to start with the basics. The basics include – reading the Bible, prayer, and telling others about Jesus.

  1. We need to read the Bible more often. How many of you have your Bibles with you? A minute-a-day Bible reading does not cut it in today's world. You take a minute to microwave a soup and it you can eat. But if you take the time to prepare the soup well, it tastes better. So it is with the Word of God. A verse a day for a minute a day is ok. But we have to get in to the habit of listening more to God by reading what He says in His word.

  2. We need to pray more often. We are making an emphasis to pray once a month as a church. We make an effort to pray with others once a week. You should be making an effort to pray with God at least once a day. And you shouldn't be praying just for yourself. Since God's purpose for your life is bigger than you, your prayers should reflect that. You should be praying for other people. You should be praying for your wife/husband, kids, parents, your future wife/husband, and people around you whom you know need Jesus.

I find it amazing how many Christians frankly whine and complain about thier lot in life, when they haven't spent a minute with God about it. They complain and feel upset, but they don't get together with other Christians to pray once a week. That attitude has to change. We have to start living by faith.

      1. We need to say something a little bit more often.

God will reveal to you people who need Jesus. You are the way they can get to know God. I find it amazing that we can ask our Christian brothers and sisters to come together, but we have problems telling others about Jesus. Muslims get mad when we tell them not share with others about their faith. Buddhists call us intolerent when we don't let them share their faith. So what does the Christian do? The Christian says nothing. Silence. Let me ask this question? Are you so ashamed to get to know your God that you won't tell anyone about Him? Here is what I say to this question:

Don't hide your faith. Let other people know. Put the Bible out on your table. Give them the brochure about the church you go to. Slap a picture of Jesus on the wall. Invite some people over for coffee. Let them see that you are a Christian. When they see what you believe, they will later ask. Get yourself ready.

God uses dreams, but it is not the only way that He speaks and it is not the way He speaks to everyone. I am not saying God will speak to you in dreams. But I am saying is that He won't use that form of communication with people who don't spend time with Him. He won't use dreams to tell you something and then contradict His Word. God will use dreams to complement His word and to confirm His word. God will show you. He will tell by dreams, or He just might have that person come to you and ask about your faith. God will only this to people who get to know Him. God wants to use you, but you have to get to know Him. He wants to make the impossible a reality in other peoples' lives and He wants to do that by using you.