Living By Faith (January 14, 2007) Habakkuk 2:1-20
Habakkuk 2:1-20 - Living by Faith
Essential truth of this sermon: The right way to live is by faith.
This is a verse with a famous history. It is famous in Biblical history and in church history. Habakkuk 2:4 is one of the few verses that is repeated three times in the New Testament. In each context, the verse is used to emphasize a certain principle about how we should live.
The JUST - John 3:36, Romans 1:17
There is the contrast between justified and wicked/proud.
shall LIVE - Galatians
There is the contrast between to live and to die.
by FAITH - Hebrews 10:38
This means: Christians should live by faith.
Dietrich Bonhöffer said: Faith is the daily bread that God gives us.
While this verse tells us the right way to live as a Christian, - that we should live by faith - we have a hard time living in such a way. It was the same problem that God revealed to Habakkuk. There were temptations that kept people from living by faith. I want to share with you these five temptations and the dangers that you and I can fall into when we forget to live by faith.
But first a word about this "living by faith" idea. A Christian is supposed to live by faith in areas of life.
The just shall live by faith. (Repeat that with me.)
Christians should live by faith. (Repeat that with me.)
I should live by faith. (Repeat that with me.)
Beginning in 2:5, Habakkuk starts to contrast how it is for people who do not live by faith. He compares the people who live by faith - "God's chosen people", with people who choose not to live by faith, in this case the Babylonians. The people of God are supposed to live by faith. The world chooses not to live by faith. As a result, there can be some dangers when a person decides not to live by faith. But I want to share with you some temptations that Christians face, when we say at some point that we don't want to live by faith. It is even more dangerous for Christians when we choose not to live by faith. Then temptation is strong to not live by faith. I want to share with you some areas in which we can grow in our faith with God.
I have listed a scale for you. You can take time during this sermon to evaluate your faith. There are some areas that will be harder than others. You will discover some areas in which your faith is strong. You will find some areas in which you are weaker. I want you to evaluate yourself during this sermon. For each temptation, I have given you a scale. The scale is between 1 and 5. A (1) is for someone who has little faith or more tempted with this problem. A (5) means that your faith is strong and you are not tempted in this area. The scale is a temptation scale. Are you more tempted or less tempted from living by faith. The more tempted you are in a certain area, this is the area where you need to ask God to reveal to you how you can live more by faith. It may mean confessing some sin, changing an attitude, or simply trusting God more.
Temptations That Prevent Me from Living by Faith
1. I think more about what I want, rather than what God wants. (2:5)
Also because wine is treacherous he is arrogant and never rests. He has a large appetite like the grave. He is like death-never satisfied. He gathers all the nations to himself. He collects all the people to himself. (Habakkuk 2:5 GW)
How arrogant have I become to my friends and family. How many times have I said: "I don't need you God. I can do it all by myself."
If you think you have arrogance in your heart, then put a (1). If however, you say that you are looking more to what God wants, then put a (5).
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2. I try to live on more than I own, than living on what God gives me. (2:6-8)
But the time is coming when all their captives will taunt them, saying, `You thieves! At last justice has caught up with you! Now you will get what you deserve for your oppression and extortion!' Suddenly, your debtors will rise up in anger. They will turn on you and take all you have, while you stand trembling and helpless. You have plundered many nations; now they will plunder you. You murderers! You have filled the countryside with violence and all the cities, too. (Habakkuk 2:6-8 NLT)
I tend to waste what is not mine. I tend to waste what is God's in the first place. I end up making poor financial decisions.
You notice this danger with the keyword "plundered." It means to steal, to sack, to loot, to rape, and to destroy. You take something of value, and you waste it and destroy it. This is what consumerism can do. When I buy and borrow, when I don't take care of what I have been given, when I waste what is around me. These are acts of plundering. Let me give you two examples:
How many times have you come to the church and stayed for the fellowship. You go to the table and you just load your plate with food. You don't think about anyone else. You didn't even pay. You just take. And you pile on your food. But then you don't eat it all. And even if you do, you have not shared the food. You plundered the food. There are other people around you. But you think only about yourself.
Consumerism, or taking and not giving, is a danger to faith. Why? Because it says that I don't have to trust and be responsible with that trust. I can just waste what I get. I don't take responsibility. I just consume. I just take. I just destroy. That is not living by faith.
If you are a taker, a consumer, than put a (1).
If you tend to share, and not tend to waste, then put a (5).
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3. I give up the responsibilities that God has placed on me. (2:9-11)
"How terrible it will be for you who get rich by unjust means! You believe your wealth will buy security, putting your families beyond the reach of danger. But by the murders you committed, you have shamed your name and forfeited your lives. The very stones in the walls of your houses cry out against you, and the beams in the ceilings echo the complaint. (Habakkuk 2:9-11 NLT)
Problem: NEGLECT
In another judgment against the people who do not live by faith, God says that these unjust rulers get rich at the expense of their own people whom they rule. Essentially, the leaders of the country have a house over which they are responsible. But they don't take care of these people. They neglect their responsibilities. While the leaders are rich, have lots of food and wealth, the people have no water, no help and are starving to death.
My responsibilities lay in the "house" that God gives me to counsel.
My house could be a group of disciples, a house group, or a family. There are people who look to me for leadership. God has placed people in my path and I should take the time to give to them what God has given to me.
Husbands and fathers, notice the emphasis in this verse. Just as in those times, men think that if they make enough money, then their family is secure. But taking care of your family has to more to do than just working a job. There needs to be leadership and discipleship. You have been given the responsibility to help grow each and every person under your house. Husbands, your job is to continue to help your wife be the best Christian that God has called her to be. Fathers, your job is to bring your children to Jesus Christ, and then teach them how to live by faith.
Let us not make the mistake of neglecting the faith responsibilities because we think that the financial responsibilities are more important.
Are there faith responsibilities that God has placed on you?
If you have been neglecting your family in matters of growing in faith, put a (1).
If you have been taking time to grow your family in matters of faith, put a (5).
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4. I serve others based on my position of power and not a position of service that God has given me. (2:12-14)
"How terrible it will be for you who build cities with money gained by murder and corruption! Has not the LORD Almighty promised that the wealth of nations will turn to ashes? They work so hard, but all in vain! For the time will come when all the earth will be filled, as the waters fill the sea, with an awareness of the glory of the LORD. (Habakkuk 2:12-14 NLT)
Problem: CONTROL
In Habakkuk's time, the king of Babylon was trying to build his own power. He was trying to work hard to have total control of the entire world. The king of Babylon was a control freak. He wanted to control his power, and he did it by controlling the money. He built cities with money that was stolen from his enemies. His center of power was in the wealth of his kingdom. He tried to protect that wealth at all costs. By killing others and by allowing corrupt people do him favors.
He was never really serving the people. Rather, he was serving his own special interests. This happens in the church as well. People will try to use their power for their own special issues or ideas. They will say that the church can't do something or should not do something. All the while, they are secretly and quietly trying to protect their own interests. Germans and Europeans don't care about the needs of the Africans. Africans spend time by themselves without serving the needs of other groups. Appointed deacons and elected elders sometimes use the power of position as a reason to go against other people in the church.
That is not the way to live by faith. That is the classic way of living by control.
Are you thinking about your own power and how to control your position, your ministry, at the expense of others? Then put a (1).
Are you thinking of the church and how you can serve the church better? Then put a (5).
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5. I misuse their judgment that God gives them in decisions that affect others. (2:15-17)
"How terrible it will be for you who make your neighbors drunk! You force your cup on them so that you can gloat over their nakedness and shame. But soon it will be your turn! Come, drink and be exposed! Drink from the cup of the LORD's judgment, and all your glory will be turned to shame. You cut down the forests of Lebanon. Now you will be cut down! You terrified the wild animals you caught in your traps. Now terror will strike you because of your murder and violence in cities everywhere! (Habakkuk 2:15-17 NLT)
Problem: ABUSE
These verses show us a classic picture of abuse. Get a person drunk and then abuse their bodies sexually. But the point is clear: When you serve others on a basis of power and control, you can fall into the trap of misusing and abusing that power. When you get someone drunk, it is easy to misuse them. When you control people, you can easily abuse them.
Abuse is an indicator that you don't trust. Abuse says that I don't want to live by faith. Instead, I want to live by my own rules. I am willing to hurt other people to get my own way. A husband who physically abuses his wife has no trust in God, nor his wife, nor even himself. A manager that abuses his employees doesn't have faith in his employees, nor in the way that God has called them to manage. A church leader who abuses others in the church has no faith in the church.
Have you started to abuse other people? Are you not giving other people around you the dignity that they deserve? Do you have a problem with how God tells you to trust other people? Then give yourself a (1).
Are you making good judgments about other people around you? Then give yourself a (5).
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6. I share God's glory with someone/something else. (2:19-20)
Woe to him who says to wood, 'Come to life!' Or to lifeless stone, 'Wake up!' Can it give guidance? It is covered with gold and silver; there is no breath in it. But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him." (Habakkuk 2:19-20 NIV)
To live by faith means that I am going to trust God alone. God alone will get the glory. Not someone else, something else, or even me. When I place my faith in these other people or things, even if I am asking God for help, it can lead to a form of idolatry.
God hates idolatry. Because it means that I think that God can't do it. I start thinking that what I have made, or what someone else has made is bigger than God.
When I ask for God to share His glory in something that I need His help, He loves it. He says this in Hebrews 11:6. God loves it when I ask Him in faith. Because He knows that He is going to get the glory when it is over.
If I think that God can't do something by Himself, I should give my faith scale a (1)
If I think that God alone can do something, then I should give my faith scale a (5).
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President Jimmy Carter was asked: "If you could summarize Christianity in one word, what would you say?" President Carter said: "Faith."
We come to God by faith in Jesus Christ.
We grow step by step in faith.
Even death is an act of faith.
Faith is what God wants from you. He does not want you to draw back in fear, nor step aside to do your own thing. He wants you to live with Him and follow Him
The just shall live by faith.
Christians should live by faith.
I should live by faith.