Sunday, July 30, 2006

Let the Little Children Come to Me (July 30, 2006) Luke 18:15-17

Let the Little Children Come to Me
Luke 18:15-17

This week IBC Bremen will begin a new work with children. We are going to have a “Very Exciting Bible School.” What is that, you might say? A Very Exciting Bible School is just that. It is very exciting. It is a week-long Bible school for children.

Starting tomorrow at 2pm, we will begin a journey. We will journey through the Ten Commandments of God's Word. We will travel through time to different places and discover who God is.

On Monday, the children will take a trip to a Mayan jungle. Once there, they will learn that there is only one God.

On Tuesday, the children will take a trip to an ancient laboratory. In the laboratory, they will learn how to honor and obey their parents as God would like.

On Wednesday, the children will then take a trip to Hawk's Village. In the village, they will learn that God want them to treat others with kindness.

Finally, on Thursday, the children will take a trip to a Hawaiian volcano. Near the volcano, they will learn to not worry and that God wants them to be happy with what He has given them.

Four places in four different time periods in four days. But that's not all. Each day, they will learn a story from the Bible. Each day, they will learn a key Bible verse. Each day, they will play fun games, sing wonderful songs, and learn and build beautiful crafts. And of course, there will be great snacks and drinks.

The children will be actively involved and will learn more about God in an exciting way.

So we are asking you to “let the little children come.”

So we want you to ask any child you know from 4-11 years old. We are asking you to “let the little children come” and hear about Jesus.

Why are we doing this? Because Jesus set the example and He told us to “let the little children come.” Now, this is a little different from Sunday School and definitely different from the worship service you are now in. It is a time especially made for children.

But it is not just for children. Children, you can invite your friends. Parents, you can come too. As a matter of fact, we want to come if you can. There will be a group of workers who will help out. You saw them earlier in the service. But parents, I am asking you to come as well. If you have some time over the next four days, come and join us.

The Very Exciting Bible School will be in German and English. But it doesn't matter if you don't want to teach. We can use you in many ways. Men, you can help in leading the games. There will be times when we need to run errands. Perhaps we may need help in preparing the snacks. Ladies, you can help in the crafts if you would like. We have a group of dedicated workers, but we could use more.

Now, where is this going to take place? It will take place downstairs in this building. We will begin each day with a registration, then a time of worship. Following that, there will be all these activities. We will end sometime around 5:30pm.

Luke 18:16

Jesus thought it was very important for the “little children to come.” We do as well. We see in this passage, that the disciples didn't want the babies and the young children to come and touch Jesus. Jesus stopped them and said that the “little children should come.” We should not forbid children to come. Some parents do that. They say, “Well, I don't want my child to come and learn about Jesus. But we should not put ourselves and our desires as stumbling blocks over the children's desire to come and learn about God.

Luke 18:17

Jesus makes children the model for those who seek to come to Him. He makes the child the model for the adults. He does not make the adult the model for the children to come to Him. Jesus recognizes that the way a child comes to Him is the way we should all come to Him.

As a result, this Very Exciting Bible School is not just for children. It is for everyone who want to come to Jesus like a little child. The children will go back home and they will tell their parents about the fun they had this week. Perhaps a parent will say: “I want to know what is going on over at IBC Bremen.” In looking for us, they will learn about Jesus.

This Very Exciting Bible School is not just something that “little children will come”. This is an opportunity for everyone. So come on out and take this trip with us. Perhaps you haven't planned your vacation trip yet. Perhaps you need a place to visit. Come visit God this week as we travel in time to learn about Him and His love.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Preparing for a Spiritual Birthday (July 23, 2006) 1 Timothy 1:12-17

Preparing for a Spiritual Birthday
1 Timothy 1:12-17

Does God place a special meaning in our birthdays? I tried to look up the word “birthday” in the Bible. Here are the two references to birthday:

Now it came to pass on the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast for all his servants; and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants. Then he restored the chief butler to his butlership again, and he placed the cup in Pharaoh's hand. But he hanged the chief baker, as Joseph had interpreted to them.
(Genesis 40:20-22 NKJV)

Pharaoh was the first reference. The second is Herod.

But when Herod's birthday was celebrated, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod. Therefore he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask. So she, having been prompted by her mother, said, "Give me John the Baptist's head here on a platter." And the king was sorry; nevertheless, because of the oaths and because of those who sat with him, he commanded it to be given to her. So he sent and had John beheaded in prison.
(Matthew 14:6-10 NKJV)

Job also talks about the day of his birth. He curses that day. So, we have three different examples in the Bible about birthdays and how they were celebrated. Based on these three examples, some groups don't celebrate birthdays at all. Jehovah Witnesses are one such group.

But does that mean that we can't celebrate birthdays at all? We are made in the image of God. Our physical birthday reveals this. While many human leaders in history made the celebration of their birthdays a holy day – Pharaoh was one, the Bible never places such emphasis on this. This is one of the reasons why we are never commanded to celebrate Christmas. We may do that, but it is not because it comes from the Bible.

The Bible talks about our physical death date.

A good name is better than precious ointment,and the day of death than the day of one's birth;
(Ecclesiastes 7:1 NKJV)

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,
(Hebrews 9:27 NKJV)

So we are all born and we are all going to die physically.

The Bible also talks about a spiritual birthday. Like the saying goes: born once, die twice, but born twice, die once.

Jesus said it this way:

Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
(John 3:3 NKJV)

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
(John 3:6 NKJV)

The Bible doesn't even say to celebrate our own spiritual birthday. But it does tell us to look forward and prepare for someone else's spiritual birthday.

Have you ever helped prepare for someone else's physical birthday? Have you ever helped prepare a birthday party?

Whether it is planned or it is a surprise, there are many things to do to prepare:

You decorate
You bake a cake
You invite friends and family
You plan an eventual party, games, and celebration

The Bremer have a tradition. When they turn 30 and they are not yet married, the men have to sweep the floor in front of the “Dom” - the cathedral, and the women have to clean door-handles.

The Southern Germans, specifically the Swabians really make a big deal on birthday #40. They even say that a Swabian becomes intelligent when they turn 40. (Mit 40 wird d'r Schwob g'scheid).

What we do for someone on their physical birthday, we should do for someone to prepare for their spiritual birthday. So how can you and I prepare for someone's spiritual birthday?


  1. God teaches me to look for those around me who don't have a spiritual birthday.

There are many people who don't know Jesus Christ. They have not been re-born. They don't have any idea about the importance of being reborn and growing spiritually. So, we should be on the look out for those who need a spiritual birthdate.

Here is why:

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,
(Hebrews 9:27 NKJV)

And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God,[3] and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.
(Revelation 20:12 NKJV)

For everyone there is a time to die. Everyone in this room will die. For everyone, there will be a judgment. You and I will be judged by how we lived on this earth. The only difference between the Christian and someone who is not a Christian is the Book of Life.

The Book of Life records your spiritual birthdate. Some will have one. Many will not have one. The Bible shows that at the judgment, we will want to come to God with all of our good works. But He shows us a “Spiritual Birth Book” and finds out if we are recorded in it. If not, we go to a place called Hell. Hell is a place that is as far away from God as you can get. It is the penalty for not following Jesus.

But the fact of the matter is – every one of us deserve to be judged by our works. We are all sinners. Paul says this to Timothy.

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.
(1 Timothy 1:15 NKJV)

But Paul also recognizes that someone came to him and shared with him a way to escape judgment. Someone told him about Jesus and God used many circumstances to bring Paul into the Spiritual Birth Book.

However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.
(1 Timothy 1:16 NKJV)

Paul knows that he did not deserve this salvation. As a result, since he obtained mercy, he wants to live a life that helps others receive the same mercy.

Who around you do you know that needs to be written in the Book of Life? Who do you know around you that needs to have a spiritual birthday?

  1. God teaches me to plan for someone else's spiritual birthday

But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.
(1 Timothy 1:16 NIV)

The planning takes patience.

You will not be able to plan for somoene's spiritual birthday overnight. It takes time. It takes a relationship. For most of us, we will not be very effective in sharing the message of Jesus with people we don't know. Surprise birthday parties don't work for people who don't expect to have a birthday.

The patience will be fulfilled in prayer.

What do you do while you are patient? You pray for that person. This is the most important part of the preparation. You need to pray for the people around you who need Jesus. I know I have said it often, but you need to be praying. This is a spiritual birthday you are planning and it requires spiritual tools and methods.

The party requires an invitation.

Paul lived his life as an example for others. In order to do that, you have to be inviting. That means you have to be inclusive. You have to want to let others get into the God's Children's Spiritual Birthday Book.

At some point, while you are patient, while you are praying, you are going to have to invite. You keep inviting this person to opportunities that can become spiritual birthdays. You keep inviting them to the church, to the baptism services, to the Vacation Bible School, to the other opportunities.

Inviting others shows you want to include them. Now I have seen some exclusive Christians in this church. People from this church who don't really accept others. I know it is hard because we are international. But we have to be inviting.

The person needs to feel accepted.

Have you ever been at a birthday party, and felt that you were not accepted? Were you invited as just a token guest? I have been on some occassions. Happens quite often as a pastor. Coming to the birthday of a friend or family member is much different than coming as a pastor. The feeling of acceptance is very different. Sometimes, you don't feel like you belong.

That is not what you want out of people who need Jesus Christ. They need to feel like they can belong. That also means that you have to accept the way they come to the party. Just like some people will dress differently when they come to a birthday party, people will come to Jesus Christ differently.

What I mean by that is yes, they come to Jesus Christ – they realize that they are a sinner and that they need God and that Jesus is the only to God. But the birthing process is unique. Just as every physical birth is similar but unique, every spiritual birth process will be similar and yet unique. We should not look down at how a person comes to Jesus. We should be happy that they are coming to Jesus. Again, let's look at the example of Paul.

Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
(1 Timothy 1:13-14 NIV)

Paul was not the type of guy you would want hanging out with your children. Yet, the grace of God was shown to him in faith and with love. It is not just the faith and love of Jesus that he experienced. Paul experienced the faith and love (and therefore the acceptance) of Jesus through the faith and love and acceptance of Christians.

You and I need to set the same example. We need to show faith and share love with everyone who is coming our way. We need to be accepting of those who don't know Jesus. God loves everyone and He wants everyone to come to Him. He wants everyone in this world to experience a spiritual birthday. He wants you to help find them and prepare them for it.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

How to Receive an Answer from God (July 16, 2006) Luke 1:5-23

How to Receive an Answer from God
Luke 1:5-23

Today I want to talk to you about how God answers prayer or "How to Receive An Answer From God." There are four attitudes I believe we need in order to have answers to our prayers.

I heard a story one time about a young girl who wrote a letter to a missionary. It was a prayer letter and she was trying to lend her support to the missionary. Evidently she'd been told not to request a response to her letter because the missionaries were very busy. So the missionary got a kick out of her letter. It said, "Dear Mr. Missionary, we are praying for you. But we are not expecting an answer."

I think that little girl summarized the prayers lives of most Christians. We do a lot of praying, but we don't expect an answer. Why doesn't God answer? We're going to look at that today. How does God answer? We need four attitudes in order to receive an answer from God.

1. You must be willing to let God answer in His own time.

That means according to His schedule, His timetable. In other words -- whenever God thinks it's best. The fact is, God often delays answers to prayers. He doesn't answer everything immediately. Why? Why does He wait? Why does He withhold the gift sometimes for a period of time?

I think that was the reason Zacharias was so skeptical. Sometimes I have a hard time believing God's going to answer my prayers. But I believe if God sent a special deliverer angel to meet me face to face and say, "Jim, I'm here to tell you, God has answered your prayer." I think I'd be convinced. I think I would be pretty certain it was going to happen.

Zacharias was an amazing guy. An angel comes and says, "God sent me here. I am Gabriel, the archangel and you're going to have your prayer answered." Then Zacharias says in v. 18 "How can I be sure of this?" He's the ultimate skeptic. Why didn't he believe it?

Because he had stopped praying that prayer years before. If you read the passage casually it looks like "He went into the temple. He prayed. And the angel came and said, `Your prayer’s been answered.'" But the fact of the matter is, they had given up on this prayer years earlier. Zacharias said, "I am an old man and my wife is well along in years." (That's diplomacy!) He says, "We gave up on that prayer a long time ago."

Luke 1:7, 18

The fact is, God often delays. And the first principle is you've got to let God answer in His own time. v. 13 "The angel said to him, `Don't be afraid Zacharias, your prayer had been heard'" The tense of the word "heard" literally means it's already happened. It happened a long time ago.

God answers our prayers immediately, but sometimes there's a delay in the giving of the gift. He hears it immediately. There's no problem with it taking time for your prayer to get to God. It is there instantly. But sometimes He delays the giving of the answer for a period of time and that is one of the hardest things we have to learn.

Sometimes, the hardest concept for us to learn is this. We don't understand the difference between "no" and "not yet". It's hard for us. Immature people don't understand the difference between "no" and "not yet". The mark of maturity in the Christian life is this: How long can you wait? That's a mark of maturity in life. Babies always have to have it immediately. But a mature person can wait.

I talked to a person once who said, "I tried prayer. I prayed for two weeks and nothing happened so I've given up on prayer. I've lost my faith in prayer." No, you haven't lost your faith. You've lost your patience.

Why does God delay our answers to prayer? Usually it's because He needs to prepare us first. He needs to get us ready. He wants to bless us and in order to give that blessing to us, He has to prepare us for it. Many times we are asking like a little child that wants everything now. It's like when a 4-year-old is asking the parent to drive the car. She can't do that because she is not mature enough. She has to grow up. God waits many times to answer our prayer for us to grow up. Some of our prayers require us to grow up to get the answer.

Sometimes I kind of feel like Habakkuk. Habakkuk's big question was "Why?" "How long, Lord?" he says in Habakkuk 1:2. Have you ever said that? "How long are You going to let me go through this?" You wonder, "If God sees everything I'm going through and if God really cares about what I'm going through and if God has the power to help me get out of what I'm going through, what's up, God? Why aren't You working?" That's a legitimate question. If He sees and He cares and He's got the power to do something about it, why doesn't He? Why doesn't He work it out?

The answer is, He usually wants to change you first. God wants to change your attitude. After you've learned the right attitude, then God's free to go to work on the problem. But God is more interested in making you mature than He is about making life easy.

So He starts by saying, "You get your life changed and then I'll help you work on the problem."

Do you have a financial difficulty? Maybe what God's saying is "I want you to learn the right attitude about money first and then I can help you out." Is there a problem in your marriage? Maybe God's saying, "First you need to change your attitude and then I can start working in your marriage."

The fact of the matter is this: God is never late. His timing is perfect. We may think He's late but He's never late. God's delays are not God's denials. "Not yet" does not mean "No".

What do I do? How do I pray when prayer is being delayed? I've prayed and it's not been answered immediately, what do I do? How long should I pray?

You keep on praying until one of three things happens:

  1. You get the answer. When you get it then you can stop praying. Obvious.

  2. You get the assurance that you're going to get it.

    And sometimes God does that. He says, "I'm going to give you this" and you're sure of it and you stop asking God for it and you start thanking God for it and you start acting on it. Mark 11:24 says, "When you pray believe that you've receive it, and you'll get it." You believe it in advance.

When I was accepted to seminary, I got a letter one day that said I had received admission and a partial scholarship. I didn't wait for the money to come in to start acting on it, I started getting ready. I bought some new clothes for seminary. I got ready and said goodbye to my friends and I took off. I acted in faith. I had the assurance that it was coming. We can act that way with God.

So you keep praying until you get it or until you get the assurance.

  1. You keep praying until God reveals to you that it's not His will.
    When you figure that out, you become uncomfortable praying about it and you don't have any peace so you stop praying. When God reveals to you that it is not His will, He will make you uncomfortable until you discover His will.

One example of this was Paul and Silas. They kept praying about where they should go. But the Holy Spirit prevented them from going into a certain region.

Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia.
(Acts 16:6 NKJV)

So in order to receive an answer from God, one, we must be willing to let God answer in His time.

2. We must be willing to let God answer in His own way.

Not only whenever He thinks best but however He thinks best. God's ways are always better and usually bigger when He answers. The Bible says in Isaiah 55:8-9, "My ways are not your ways." My ways are higher, God says. The reason God often delays an answer to prayer is so He can answer in a way bigger than you thought originally.

What would have happened in this story if God would have answered Elizabeth and Zacharias' request for a baby immediately? What would they have gotten? A little Jewish baby. And they would have loved him or her. They would have cherished the baby and it would have been great. But God delayed the request for a number of years and then when He answered He gave them John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus Christ. The last Old Testament prophet, the only prophet able to see the prophecies of Jesus fulfilled, the forerunner of the Messiah. John the Baptist was like the announcer. He was the forerunner saying, "Here He is!" and is pointing to Him. Because God delayed the request, He didn't just give them any old baby. He gave them a John the Baptist.

God delayed Hanna's request for a son many years. But when He finally gave her a son, He gave her a Samuel, the greatest Old Testament prophet. God does this.

The prodigal son. What did he say? "Give me my inheritance!" He got it and it ruined him.

Sometimes, when God wants to do something great in our lives, it takes time. When we are impatient with our prayers, then we can get into trouble.

God says, "Let me answer in My time and My way." You're praying about a job. You want to get this job change and all of a sudden it falls through. Don't sweat it! God's got a better idea. You're praying about a situation. All of a sudden, it doesn't work out. Don't worry about it. God's got Plan B. Actually it is Plan A -- yours was Plan B! Let God answer in His time and His way. Sometimes the worst thing in the world for us is to get our requests answered.

3. You must be willing to let God answer in His own power, in His own ability.

Don't try to help out God. Don't ask for it and then you go out and try to work it out on your own. Let God answer in His own power. That's called a miracle. And God says, "Let Me do it in My own power."

There's an important truth in this story about Zacharias and Elizabeth. The fact is this: God often waits until the situation is humanly impossible before He answers. When did God give Zacharias and Elizabeth a baby? After they were beyond childbearing years. They said, "We're too old!" They were physically unable to have kids. Then God answered.

Why? Because when God answers an impossible situation, who gets all the credit? Who gets all the glory? It's a greater miracle.

The same thing happened to Sarah and Abraham. One day God came to Abraham and said, "You're going to be the father of a great nation." Abraham said, "I don't have any kids, but that's great!" So he waited and waited... All of a sudden Abraham is ninety-nine years old and still nothing's happened. In the meantime, he has decided he's going to help God out instead of letting God do it in his own power. So he goes and gets a second wife and has a child by her. God says, "That's not My plan! Let Me do it in My time, My way and My power." So at age ninety-nine and His wife is ninety, an angel comes to him one day and says, "Abraham, you're going to be a Father." Romans 4:20 says, "Abraham staggered not." I think I'd have staggered if I heard that at ninety-nine. He goes to his home and says, "Honey, you're never going to believe what I just heard. You're going to have a baby." That's got to be the first time in history that the man knew first. What was Sarah's reaction? She started laughing. We know she didn't believe it because she laughed. A ninety-year-old woman who hears she's going to be pregnant would not laugh, she'd cry if she believed it. She laughs. Then God gives a child.

The point is that God waited until it was humanly impossible, hopeless, then He answered the prayer with a miracle.

Warning about prayer: If you start praying about something, particularly a problem, do not be surprised if it gets worse before it gets better. You're having problems in your marriage and you start praying, and your mate gets more hostile, or you're praying about a financial problem and all of a sudden it gets worse, or you're praying for somebody to get well, and they get sicker.

Why? Because sometimes God will let things get to the point of hopelessness in order that He might gain the most glory out of it. Let God answer in His power. His plan is to let the thing get out of our control and when you're about ready to give up hope, that's an opportunity for a miracle.

Mark 5:21

A story in the Bible. Jairus had a twelve-year-old daughter who was sick, dying. One day, he comes to Jesus in a crowd and says, "My daughter is dying, she's very sick. Please come." So Jesus starts walking and as he's walking, there's another lady who had a problem -- there is also the twelve years. The daughter was twelve years old and this woman had been ill for twelve years. She had a hemorrhage in her body and she could not stop bleeding and it had bothered her for twelve years. She comes up behind Jesus and touches Him on the back in the crowd. Jesus is walking to Jarius' home and stops and turns around and says, "Who touched Me?" The disciples are saying, "What do You mean, `Who touched Me?' You're in a crowd." But He felt this woman's touch.

What would you do if you were Jarius? Your daughter's dying and Jesus says, "Who touched Me?" -- "Jesus, who cares who touched You. My daughter is dying. Get on the stick! Let's move it. There's everybody all around You. Let's go." Jesus stops and hears the woman's story and He heals that woman right there on the spot!

That means there was a delay. He starts up again after this interruption and Jarius' servants come from the home and tell him, "Forget it! It's too late. Send the Master back. The girl's died. It's too late." Jesus turned around to Jarius and says, "Jarius, don't worry about it. Just keep on believing." And He goes in and raises the girl from the dead.

The point is, Jesus waited until the situation was humanly impossible and then He bailed him out. He did it in His own power.

Another point of that story is this: While you are waiting for God to answer your prayer, keep your eyes open to see confirmations of God's power in other people's lives. Jarius got a living example. It didn't matter if the girl were alive or dead. Jesus was going there. He turned around to the woman as if to say, "Jarius, hold your horses! Watch this. You ain't seen nothing yet." And He heals the lady.

When you are waiting for a prayer that's been delayed, you keep your eyes open to watch God at work in other people's lives and it will build your faith.

Do you want to have an answer from God? Be willing to let God answer in His own time. Be willing to let God answer in His own way. Be willing to let God answer in His own power.

4. Be willing to let God answer for His own purpose.

Not only whenever He wants, however He wants, but also for whatever reason He chooses. Why does God answer prayer? What are His reasons? The entire Bible summarizes why God answers prayer in two statements: For our growth, and for His glory. That's why God answers all prayer. First, for our growth, for our gain, for our blessing. Two, for His glory. He answers a prayer when He can be glorified in that answer. Then He answers.

Why did God answer Elizabeth's and Zacharias' prayer for a son? Because He needed a John the Baptist. He had a purpose for that little boy. He knew that Elizabeth and Zacharias would raise him well.

Remember the story of Joseph in the Bible? God said to Joseph in a dream, "You're going to be a ruler one day. You're going to be the ruler of a great county." Then what happened? Joseph was promptly sold by his brothers into slavery. He goes as a slave into his master's home, his master's wife tries to seduce him, he would not give in, so the wife has him put in jail. That's not exactly the way to build a political career. Sold into slavery and then maligned and put in jail. His whole career is downhill. But God made him second in command in Egypt in His own time, in His own way, with His power -- Joseph had nothing to do about it -- for His purpose.

When you pray and the request is not right, God says "No." When you pray and you're not right, God says, "Grow." When you pray and the timing is not right, God says, "Slow." When everything's in place, God says, "Go." He gives the green light and you're able to move.

(Sermon inspired by Rick Warren's sermon entitled "How to Receive an Answer from God")

Sunday, July 09, 2006

How the Holy Spirit Helps You Share Jesus (July 9, 2006) Acts 11:5-18

How the Holy Spirit Helps You Share Jesus
Acts 11:5-18

Have you ever wanted to say something to someone, or thought that God wanted you to share something with someone, but then you changed your mind? Who do you think prompted you to share Jesus?

When the Holy Spirit speaks to you about a person, He will reveal to you the person whom you need to share Jesus. When the Holy Spirit speaks to you, He will do three specific things:

  1. The Holy Spirit will speak to you of a person who needs Jesus Christ.

While Peter thought about the vision, the Spirit said to him, "Behold, three men are seeking you. Arise therefore, go down and go with them, doubting nothing; for I have sent them."
(Acts 10:19-20 NKJV)


The vision/dream has a purpose. The purpose is to reveal to you the person whom you need to share Jesus. In this particular case, Peter was praying. Hence the connection between the Holy Spirit and prayer. Notice how often in the New Testament that the Holy Spirit speaks in relationship to prayer. A vision is when God speaks in a time of prayer, while a dream is when God speaks in sleep. One is used in our waking hours, and one is used in our sleeping hours.

When God speaks to you in a dream, it is many times because God wants to wake you up. Many times, while we are awake physically, spiritually we are sleeping. We aren't praying and paying attention to what God wants me to do. So God can and does speak to you through the Holy Spirit at night.

In this case, Peter was praying in his waking hours and the Spirit showed him a special vision. This vision was given three times. Jesus spoke to Peter at the end of the vision:

And I heard a voice saying to me, "Rise, Peter; kill and eat.' But I said, "Not so, Lord! For nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth.' But the voice answered me again from heaven, "What God has cleansed you must not call common.'
(Acts 11:7-9 NKJV)

Of course, Peter is dealing with having to change his attitude about some things. The vision was about changing his attitudes about food – a Jewish custom. Peter says later that God showed him the purpose of the vision. Even Peter realized that the purpose was not dietary, but divine. He was not told to change what he eats, but to whom he speaks.

God does this quite often. You will see many examples in the Bible of how He speaks through visions and dreams.

Bad examples include: Pharoah of Egypt and Pilate. Good examples include: Daniel, Nebechadnezzar, Paul, Peter, and John. So God will speak to His servants at night and in the daytime.

In my personal life, if I dream the same dream more than one night in a row, especially if it is three nights in a row, I have learned that the Holy Spirit wants me to speak to a specific person. Sometimes, it has been a specific person whom the Holy Spirit wanted me to speak to them about Jesus, even if it is to answer a question.

This is one of the ways the Holy Spirit works. He will place someone in your mind. And it may seem like a strange vision or dream. You may be seeing strange visions, but God will reveal the purpose in time. In the case of sharing Jesus, the Holy Spirit will speak to you about a specific person whom He wants you to reach for Jesus through you.

  1. The Holy Spirit will erase the fear of sharing Jesus.

Then the Spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered the man's house.
(Acts 11:12 NKJV)

When the Holy Spirit speaks, He will do so to erase the fear. The Holy Spirit will work to erase our fear. Our fear of obeying the Holy Spirit is a powerful weapon that is used against us. Satan uses it, and we talks ourselves into fear. When the Holy Spirit speaks, He will erase the fear. How will He do this?

The reason that the Holy Spirit speaks to us three, four, and five times about something or someone is because He is going to erase the fear. You have to obey Him and go in faith. This is why the Spirit told Peter to go without doubting. What would Peter doubt? Peter is concerned about the cultural barriers and he was afraid of many things. How will the Gentiles react? Will a Gentile listen to me, when my own people hate them?

Part of the reason that the Holy Spirit gives you a dream or vision and then speaks to you about a person is because He wants to assure you that everything will be ok.

Let me share with you a personal example. This same dream happened to me on two different occasions for over many nights. I had a dream when Heike and I were engaged and not married. She was still in Germany and on dialysis. The prospect of a kidney surgery came up. Beginning with the blood test, I began to have dreams that the kidney would fail. But not only that, in the dream Heike died. She had an operation and then Heike died. It was very strange. Of course, I knew that Heike was not going to die from the kidney surgery. But apparently I was still doubting. Because the Holy Spirit was speaking to me about my doubt. The dream was my doubt that was based on fear. After I fasted, the clarity came and we realized that God was going to work this out.

Strange as that may sound, the same dream type kept occurring over the past year. Heike would get pregnant, and then during the birth, she would lose the kidney. I did not understand these dreams at all. The same dream over one week. Then a second dream. In the second dream, she died while giving birth. This second dream would come from time to time. Of course, it was hard to interpret what the Holy Spirit was saying to me. I would never say this came from Satan, because I know that when Satan is tempting me, it is in a completely different way.

So what was going on? Well, at one point, it just became clear. God had provided a kidney, after we trusted God in faith. It became clear to me that God that He would provide a child for Heike and I when we trust Him in faith. How we would receive a child is something I could not know. But the assurance that it would happen is what the Holy Spirit was telling me.

So the Holy Spirit speaks in visions and dreams for the purpose of giving assurance to our doubts. His assurance helps us to follow Him in faith. How does He do that when He wants us to share Jesus? He keeps putting the same person in your mind. He has done that with me on many occassions and He will do the same with you. When the Holy Spirit puts someone in your mind, you need to listen and obey.

  1. The Holy Spirit will do His work as you begin to listen to Him and share the Gospel.

And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, as upon us at the beginning.
(Acts 11:15 NKJV)

The Holy Spirit is doing lots of work for the purpose of bringing people to Jesus.
For the unbeliever, the Holy Spirit is drawing them and changing their heart.

And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me;
(John 16:8-9 NKJV)

For the believer, the Holy Spirit is going to soften your heart. This is one of the purposes of the dream/vision. God uses the Holy Spirit to speak to us in visions and dreams so that He can change our hearts toward the people He wants us to reach.

When hearts are changed, the Gospel is ripe. The Gospel as you share it, will not be effective in you as a witness if you reisist the Holy Spirit. If you resist the Holy Spirit because you keep your hearts hard, the Gospel cannot be shared. This is the reason that the Holy Spirit speaks and screams to you in dreams.

The Holy Spirit is a heart softener. There are water softeners that are used on water that is called hard. Hard water has lots of calcium which can damage water pipes and itch the skin. Water softeners are used to take these hard minerals and chemicals out. The Holy Spirit does the same thing to our hearts. He softens our hearts so that we can properly share Jesus with those whom He has shown us.

So the Holy Spirit is preparing our hearts for the Gospel. But He also reminds us of our need to share that Gospel.

  1. The Holy Spirit will cause you to remember your Great Commission.

Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, "John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.' If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?" When they heard these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, "Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life."
(Acts 11:16-18 NKJV)

We tend to forget the Great Commission. What is that Commission?

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.
(Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV)

Then why was Peter quoting another verse? Peter is quoting the verse that Jesus said to them right before He left earth.

for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
(Acts 1:5 NKJV)

So the Great Commission, the idea of sharing Jesus and making disciples of Jesus can only happen under the power of the Holy Spirit. While methods may make that Great Commission efficient, only the power of the Holy Spirit can make it effective. The Great Commission becomes effective when we remember to share Jesus.

The Holy Spirit will continue to lift up Jesus by reminding me of the Great Commission.


We are going to take some time and pray. We are not going to have an altar call. If you want to accept Jesus or join this church, you can take the time to fill out the Welcome Card in your bulletin. But for the rest of us, I want us to spend this time during the altar call to pray. Worship tends to open our spirit to the Holy Spirit. That is why we worship in spirit and in truth. The Holy Spirit will speak truth to us during this worship time. I am asking that the Holy Spirit come and speak to each of us. I know that during this altar call, there will be someone whom you need to speak to about Jesus. I am going to pray that God reveal that person to you during this altar call. After that, I want you to take time this week and pray about it, and then set a time to speak with someone about Jesus. It probably will be someone on your Operation Andrew list. Maybe it will be someone else. But if we are going to take the Great Commission seriously and if we really want to listen to the Holy Spirit, then we really need to be obedient to Him without doubting, and withough resisting with a hard heart.

And I don't want to hear any Christian in this room saying that they don't know anyone or that they can't speak to someone about Jesus. God has already given you the command. He will also give you the opportunity and the ability to do it. Let the Holy Spirit use you. Don't resist it. Let Him work through you.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Coming to the Rescue (July 2, 2006) Psalm 107:1-8

Coming to the Rescue
Psalm 107:1-8

You've been following the World Cup. I've been watching and following a Bavarian bear. Have you heard about this strange story? A bear sent from Italy who has made his way into southern Germany. His name is JJ1 or as the natives call him, “Bruno”.

The last time a bear has been seen in the wild in Germany, King Ludwig was ruling Bavaria from Neuschwanstein.

Bruno has been wandering in the woods, looking for a place of security. He doesn't know how to act, he's just out to survive. As a result, he has eaten to date: 25 sheep, 4 goats, rabbits, chickens, and at least one guinea pig. Last Friday, he raided a girl's rabbit hutch in Kochel am See, and ate her rabbit and guinea pig. He picked up the food and carried it to the police station where he sat down and had lunch. He was just doing what bears do.

There has been a search and rescue mission that has spanned the whole month. First, the Bavarian government didn't want him. "This is not an average bear. This bear must quickly be taken out of the wild. He's a potential risk to people living in the area," said Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber on German television.

Then, local authorities declared him a "problem bear" and gave hunters permission to shoot and kill the unwelcome carnivore. One German hunter tried to shoot the bear, watching Bruno as he headed back into Austria. Of course, he didn't shoot the bear because he didn't have a licence.

But then animal rights experts screamed and so a special group of hunters from Finnland were hired to capture the bear humanely. They were equipped with specially-trained Finnish dogs who could sniff out the bear. The Finnish hunters were given a two-week contract to find and capture the bear.

Next, a bear handler offered to use one of his bear actresses (Nora) to lure Bruno. Yet, Bruno seems to be more interested in eating goats then chasing women bears.

Finally, an unidentified person shot Bruno this past Monday (26 June 2006). We thought that was the end. But since then, there have been people who have said that Mr. Schnapperauf – the Environmental Minister in Bavaria – should resign. There have been DNA tests on the dead bear. There is even talk of a lawsuit against the Bavarian government because it may have been against the Constitution of Germany to shoot a bear that wandered in the woods.

The saga continues...

However, God has a completely different way for dealing with wandering strangers who are looking for help.

Our God is a God of Rescue. God is totally unlike the people who did not try to rescue the bear. Now we could spend time discussing the rights of animals versus the danger of what that bear posed to society. But I want you to know that the reaction we have seen toward this bear shows us how society is toward people.

There are millions of people out there who want to be rescued. They will come to you and I and ask for help. We have to learn to be sensitive to that call. God wants to use us to rescue people who are wandering around without hope, just trying to survive.

The Bible shows us in these verses that at every difficult point in life, whether a person has wondered away, or is hungry or thirsty – this person can find rescue in God through His Son Jesus Christ.

God doesn't want His people to act like trigger-happy hunters who just want to shoot and kill wandering people. God doesn't want His people to speak out against wandering souls who need Him, criticizing these people for how different, wild, uncivilized and sinful they are.

God is good. God is merciful. God's mercy last forever, and it will never stop.

The rescue mission for a bear went completely wrong. The people did not know what to do. In the same way, many times we go about rescue missions completely in the wrong way. What should we do to ensure that God can use us to rescue those who need Him?

  1. Our view of God must contain the mercy and goodness that He displays on us.

Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.
(Psalms 107:1 NKJV)

Many times, we forget the mercy and goodness that God has displayed in our lives. I have to remember that God is merciful to me. I have to remind myself of the goodness that He displays in my life.

  1. We must remember that we are sinners that have been rescued. Nothing more.

Let the redeemed of the LORD say so,
Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,
(Psalms 107:2 NKJV)

Sometimes in the life of a Christian, there comes a point when you begin to think that the world revolves around yourself. You begin to think that you can make things happen all by yourself. Nebuchadnezzar had this problem. So did David, as well as many other people in the Bible.

To remember that I am redeemed does not automatically give me a status that is higher than other people, especially sinners who do not know God. We are not the only God's priveleged children. There are other children out there who want to receive the same priveleges that you and I have received.

that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
(Ephesians 2:12-13 NKJV)

Our status as a Christian, was a rescue that was paid by someone. We didn't create our own rescue operation and escape. Jesus paid for our rescue operation. Jesus paid for our lives with His own. Before, we were strangers and foreigners. Now we are God's heavenly citizens.

This brings me to a mentality that you and I have to fight as Christians. There is thought that can come to the Christian of privileged status. I am the citizen and the unbeliever is the foreigner. That Bruno bear was an Italian bear, born of Slovenian parents, who wandered into a foreign land. While there were attempts to rescue, there was still a mentality that said – this bear is too wild and different. We can't integrate him. The same mentality runs through the minds of Christians. Maybe you have heard these statements:

That person doesn't belong here.
That person is just here to rip us off. S/he just wants our money.
That person does not fit what our church is about.

But all of these people, no matter what we may think about them, are in the same boat. They are without hope. They need Jesus. They need to be rescued. Saying to ourselves that they are not the right people for our church is the same as saying they deserve to go to hell. How loving is that?

Why am I saying this?

Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
And He delivered them out of their distresses. And He led them forth by the right way,
That they might go to a city for a dwelling place.
(Psalms 107:6-7 NKJV)

  1. We are called by God to be the guide to lead them to their place of safety.

God loves wanderers and strangers. He delivers people out of their distress. He loves to lead them the right way. He wants to place them in a city where they will be safe and at peace. God wants to do this for everyone. Guess who the guides are that will bring them in to the city? They are you and I. We are the citizens of the new city. God wants us to welcome them.

As Christians, we are called to help people who have acted like Bruno. There are all kinds of people who need Jesus, and we should do our best to rescue them. Bruno is out there searching for help:

  1. He sits at a police station. He knows he's guilty of the law.

  2. He gets hit by cars. He has been hurt by others.

  3. He wanders around looking for food. He's hungry and thirsty.

As Christians, we are called to rescue people like they rescue bears and bring them to safety. Just as Bruno has been looking for help and trying his best to survive without the right guidance, there are millions of people in this who are just wandering around in life trying to make it. They are searching for help and for meaning. They are searching for a place and a person that can help them. We have the best solution for problems like this. We have a Savior that has come into the world to save people. But we have to go out there and bring this salvation to the people.

Just like Bruno, they are going to come close in contact. And they may seem scary at first. But when the message of Jesus Christ is shared in love, humans who are seeking help will take that message and it will heal their soul.